Articles on: People

Reset a Password

Lost or Forgotten passwords can be easily reset from the website. This article includes instructions on how to reset a password.

To request a password reset for yourself or another portal member:

Navigate to
Click ‘Login’ in the top right corner and select ‘Forgot your password?’.
On the reset form, enter the email associated with your BoardSpot account and click ‘Reset password’ button.
Check email inbox for reset link, or tell member to check their inbox.

An Organization Administrator can help reset a user's password in two ways:
Direct the member to visit, click ‘Login’ in the top right corner, select the ‘Forgot your password?’ link, fill in the form, and check their inbox.
Log out of BoardSpot for yourself, visit and use the ‘Forgot your password?’ form- entering that person’s email address. Inform them to watch their email Inbox. Log back in for yourself.

Updated on: 22/09/2023

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