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Email deliverability and BoardSpot

BoardSpot provides Admins with an easy interface in which to draft and send emails. BoardSpot does the work of delivering these emails to the recipient's email server. And BoardSpot provides Org-wide Admins with visibility into the emails that were sent from the portal.

Organization Admins alone can see the Email Report under Settings in the sidebar menu.

The 7 steps an email takes from your BoardSpot portal to a recipient's inbox:

Email is drafted in BoardSpot by Admin and sent.
BoardSpot saves the email details, which are listed in the Email Report (under "Settings" in the sidebar menu).
BoardSpot's email server accepts the email, and queues it for sending out.
The recipient's email server (Google, Outlook, etc) accepts the email. _Note: At this point the email is out of BoardSpot's hands, and we no longer have control of delivery._
Recipient's email server decides on the action to take with this email, such as delivery to the Inbox, filtering it to spam, etc..
Recipient's email server queues approved emails to be delivered to inboxes.
Recipient's inbox applies all filters, blocks, and forwarding rules according to the Settings they have created.

Reasons an email may not be delivered to an inbox:

Incorrect/unauthenticated recipient email address.
Recipient marked past emails as spam.
The recipient's email server settings, firewalls, and/or spam filters.
Your organization's email hosting account is inactive or payment overdue.

Possible solutions if an email was not received:

Recipient can add to their Contact list.
Recipient can contact their email provider to understand the delivery decisions made for that email.
Recipient can check their personal inbox filter, blocking, and forwarding settings to see if emails are being rerouted.

Updated on: 29/01/2024

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