Articles on: General Information

Deleting/Removing Items From the Portal

When an organization admin or a committee admin removes something in the portal it is moved into the Trash, where is accessible to organization admins. Items in the Trash can be recovered. Additional details of what actually happens depends on the type of content that is deleted/removed. This article provides a breakdown of the different types of content and how (or if) they can be recovered.

Only portal members with administrative privileges can delete/remove items from the portal. Only organization admins can restore something from the Trash.

Deleting/Removing items from the portal


Before a meeting can be removed, it either needs to be in a Cancelled or in a Draft state.

When a meeting is removed, the following occurs:

The meeting is moved out of all meeting lists, and into the Trash.
Any RSVPs for the meeting are deleted, and cannot be recovered.
Meetings can be restored from the Trash by an organization admin.


When a person is removed, the following occurs:

The person is removed from the Current Members tab, and moved into the Past Members tab on the People page.
That person's login credentials no longer work, thus they no longer have access to the portal.
The person's board and committee memberships are removed, and cannot be recovered.
The person's future meeting RSVPs are removed, and cannot be recovered.
People can be restored from the Past Members tab by an organization admin. When restored the person's profile will move to the Current Members tab and their previous login credentials will immediately work again.


When a committee is removed, the following occurs:

The committee is removed from the portal, and moved into the Trash.
Committees can be restored from the Trash by an organization admin.
Committee memberships are restored when the committee is restored.

Document Groups and Documents

When a Document Group is removed, the following occurs:

The Document Group is removed from the Documents page/tab, and moved into the Trash.
Document Groups can be restored from the Trash by an organization admin.
Documents within a Document Group are restored when the Document Group is restored.

When a Document is removed, the following occurs:

The document is removed, and cannot be restored through the portal.
The document will need to be re-uploaded by an admin.

Meeting Agendas within a Meeting

When an Agenda is removed from a meeting, the following occurs:

The Agenda is deleted from the system, and cannot be recovered.

Meeting Minutes within a Meeting

When the meeting Minutes are removed from a meeting, the following occurs:

The Minutes are deleted from the system, and cannot be recovered.

Surveys and Survey Responses

When a Survey is removed, the following occurs:

The Survey is removed from the portal, and moved into the Trash.
All of the Survey responses are removed from the portal, and cannot be recovered.
Surveys can be restored from the Trash by an organization admin.
When a Survey is restored from the Trash, the survey responses are not automatically restored.
Survey responses can be downloaded under the Responses tab before the Survey is moved to the Trash.

eSignatures and electronically signed Documents

When an eSignature document is removed, the following occurs:

The eSignature document is removed from the portal, and moved into the Trash.
All of the electronically signed documents are removed from the portal, and moved into the Trash.
eSignature documents can be restored from the Trash by an organization admin.
Individual electronically signed documents can be restored by an organization admin.
When an eSignature document is restored from the Trash, the corresponding electronically signed documents are not automatically restored.
Electronically signed documents can be removed independent of the original eSignature document. This can occur either before or after the recipient has signed the document.

Board or Committee Memberships

When a person is removed from a board or committee, the following occurs:

If the committee is a private committee, the person loses access to the committee, and all related meetings and documents.
The person is removed as a meeting participant from all future meetings for that board/committee and RSVPs for these meetings are also removed. Past meetings remain unaffected.
The removal of a board/committee membership cannot be undone, but the person can be added back to the board or committee.
When a person is re-added to the board/committee they are added as a participant to all future meetings. Any previously submitted RSVPs for future meetings cannot be restored.

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Updated on: 13/02/2025

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