This article lists out common troubleshooting points. The topics are organized under People, Board/Committees, and Meetings.
1. A member of my portal was removed and I cannot add them back again.
BoardSpot does not support more than one person with the same email, thus you cannot add a second profile for the same person.
Removing a person from the portal places their profile in the Past Members tab. To reactivate their profile click Restore beside their name. This means their login credentials will now work again, but an org admin will need to add this person to the appropriate committees again.
2. A member of my portal is not receiving emails.
Ensure the member is added to People under the appropriate role (Board Member, Staff, etc), AND ensure they are added to the BoD/Committee under that group's Members tab.
Ensure each member has chosen "Email Meeting Invitations" for their Calendar Preferences (under their own name on the sidebar menu).
Check whether the "Invite Participants" feature was used in each meeting to send out email and calendar invitations. You can confirm usage if the "Invite Participants" section of the status box has a green checkmark. When these invitations are used, then any changes to the meeting's details (including cancellations) will automatically be pushed to participant's calendars. If this feature was not used for inviting the participants, then the admin will need to inform participants to manually update their calendars to reflect any meeting changes/cancellations.
Ask the member to try another browser (Google. Outlook, etc) to see if the issues are consistent.
You can share this article with your member. It includes troubleshooting suggestions for them to follow.
3. A member of my portal is not receiving calendar invitations and/or event changes are not updating on their calendar.
To receive meeting calendar invitations and updates, ensure that member is added to the People list under the appropriate role, and ensure they are added to all of the correct BoD/Committees under each group's Members tab.
Ensure each member has chosen "Email Meeting Invitations" for their Calendar Preferences (under their own name on the sidebar menu).
Calendar updates (for instance, the removal of a calendar invitation when a meeting is canceled) will automatically occur in the portal IF the portal was used to send the meeting invitation (meaning, if the participants were sent the invitation and the "Invite Participants" section of the status box has a green checkmark). If the portal was not used for inviting the participants, then the admin will need to inform participants to manually update their calendar to reflect the meeting change/cancellation.
Ask the member to try another browser (Google. Outlook, etc) to see if the issues are consistent.
You can share this article with your member. It includes troubleshooting suggestions for them to follow.
4. A member of my board is on another BoardSpot account.
That is okay! Send this member an invitation and when they log in they will see a list of all portals they are members of, and be able to select which to access.
The member can switch between portals under their profile dropdown, from the sidebar menu.
NOTE: if a board members uses the same email address for more than one BoardSpot portal they must action any email address changes themselves (the org admin cannot do it) and it will change their email address for all portals they are a part of.
5. We need to add a non-member/non-staff person to a committee.
For BoardSpot accounts on the Standard, Professional, or Enterprise Plans, you can add this person as a Guest or Committee member. To understand the access and permissions of each option you can read this article.
For BoardSpot accounts on the Essentials Plan, you can either 1) add this person temporarily to the portal, and then remove them once the committee is adjourned. Note this person will be able to access everything in the committee while their profile is an active member; or 2) A second option is to not add this person to the portal at all, but download each committee meeting's packet, video call information, documents, etc and email these to the person outside the portal. This will ensure they only have access to that meeting information but nothing else in that committee.
6. A member of my portal did not receive the portal invitation and/or my portal member is having trouble logging in.
Navigate to People on the sidebar menu and scroll to find the person's listing. Click the ellipses next to their name and select Resend Invite. This option is only available if they have have never accepted their portal invitation.
If the member has logged into the portal in the past but now cannot, then visit the website and select the Log in link at top of the page. Use the Forgot your password? form to enter that member's email address. The system will send a password reset to their inbox. Once their new password is saved, they can immediately log in.
You can share this article with your member. It includes troubleshooting suggestions for them to follow.
7. A member of my portal is traveling and needs the meeting times to be displayed accurately for their time zone.
The member can navigate to My Account under their profile, and update their time zone to their current location. There is no limit on the changes to time zone that can be made.
8. We need to add a Board Member who is non-voting.
Consider making this person an Ex Officio member. In the board/committee where you do not want them to vote, add the title "Ex Officio" to them on the group's Member tab. Voting can then be disabled at an organization-wide level, by the Organization Admins, via the toggle switch under the Organization Settings. Note: this toggle will disable the ability to vote for anyone who has the title "Ex Officio" assigned.
9. A member of my portal is being asked to reset their password each time they log in.
Please inform your members to go to your portal URL and not back to the original email invitation they received. If they try to log in from that initial email invitation they will always be asked to reset their password each time. They should bookmark/memorize the direct URL for your portal and go there for the login page.
1. A committee's chair person cannot add meetings, create agendas, etc.
Assigning the title "Chair" to a committee member does not confer admin privileges. Assigning a person as a Committee Admin is how to confer the ability to add/edit the members, meetings, documents, agendas and minutes for that committee (and that committee, only). Committee Admin permissions are available in the BoardSpot Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Plans. For Essential Plan portals, only org-wide admins will have those privileges.
2. We need a new Title for a board/committee member that is not on the dropdown list.
To add a custom Title put your cursor in the field and type out the title as you want it displayed, then select the Create link right under that field. This will add the title to that person as well as make it an option in your org's dropdown list from now on.
3. On the Board/Committee's page under Members, the people Roles/Titles are duplicated.
Roles are assigned to each profile on the People page by choosing whether they are a Board Member, Staff, etc. Titles are assigned within each Committee on the Member tab by using the dropdown field next to their name.
Roles and/or Titles are then displayed on the board/committee page member tab by toggling on/off the "Member Profile Display" options under Organization Settings. Note: this setting is portal-wide and not by board or committee. To change displays, toggle on/off the "Member Profile Display" settings to reach the desired level of information shown.
4. We need to limit access to certain Documents.
Placing documents in a private committee, or in a meeting of a private committee, will ensure that only the members of that committee will have access. Private committees are available in the BoardSpot Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Plans.
5. How do I email committee members outside of a specific meeting?
On the committee's page the Email Members link can be used to draft/send an email to all members of that committee.
1. A meeting has no participants, but the members are in the committee.
Likely the system thinks this is a past meeting and thus did not add participants. To fix this, change the meeting date to a day in the future and Save. Then change the date back and Save again.
2. A meeting's minutes are not available.
The Minutes for a meeting become available the calendar day of the meeting. Before that date, Minutes are not available.
3. A meeting packet shows the wrong time zone for a Board Member.
A meeting packet shows the time zone of the creator of that agenda- the Org Admin or Committee Admin. The meeting participant's time zone, if different from the Admin, will not be included in the meeting packet.
4. Some meetings are not showing up on my Dashboard or the Meetings page.
The viewer must be a participant of the BoD/Committee- either a member, staff, or guest- for the meeting to show up for them in the portal.
5. The committee members cannot add an agenda or document to a meeting.
Only Org Admins and Committee Admins can create or edit agendas, can add or update supplemental documents, or can take minutes or attendance. Assign the person as a committee admin.
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1. A member of my portal was removed and I cannot add them back again.
BoardSpot does not support more than one person with the same email, thus you cannot add a second profile for the same person.
Removing a person from the portal places their profile in the Past Members tab. To reactivate their profile click Restore beside their name. This means their login credentials will now work again, but an org admin will need to add this person to the appropriate committees again.
2. A member of my portal is not receiving emails.
Ensure the member is added to People under the appropriate role (Board Member, Staff, etc), AND ensure they are added to the BoD/Committee under that group's Members tab.
Ensure each member has chosen "Email Meeting Invitations" for their Calendar Preferences (under their own name on the sidebar menu).
Check whether the "Invite Participants" feature was used in each meeting to send out email and calendar invitations. You can confirm usage if the "Invite Participants" section of the status box has a green checkmark. When these invitations are used, then any changes to the meeting's details (including cancellations) will automatically be pushed to participant's calendars. If this feature was not used for inviting the participants, then the admin will need to inform participants to manually update their calendars to reflect any meeting changes/cancellations.
Ask the member to try another browser (Google. Outlook, etc) to see if the issues are consistent.
You can share this article with your member. It includes troubleshooting suggestions for them to follow.
3. A member of my portal is not receiving calendar invitations and/or event changes are not updating on their calendar.
To receive meeting calendar invitations and updates, ensure that member is added to the People list under the appropriate role, and ensure they are added to all of the correct BoD/Committees under each group's Members tab.
Ensure each member has chosen "Email Meeting Invitations" for their Calendar Preferences (under their own name on the sidebar menu).
Calendar updates (for instance, the removal of a calendar invitation when a meeting is canceled) will automatically occur in the portal IF the portal was used to send the meeting invitation (meaning, if the participants were sent the invitation and the "Invite Participants" section of the status box has a green checkmark). If the portal was not used for inviting the participants, then the admin will need to inform participants to manually update their calendar to reflect the meeting change/cancellation.
Ask the member to try another browser (Google. Outlook, etc) to see if the issues are consistent.
You can share this article with your member. It includes troubleshooting suggestions for them to follow.
4. A member of my board is on another BoardSpot account.
That is okay! Send this member an invitation and when they log in they will see a list of all portals they are members of, and be able to select which to access.
The member can switch between portals under their profile dropdown, from the sidebar menu.
NOTE: if a board members uses the same email address for more than one BoardSpot portal they must action any email address changes themselves (the org admin cannot do it) and it will change their email address for all portals they are a part of.
5. We need to add a non-member/non-staff person to a committee.
For BoardSpot accounts on the Standard, Professional, or Enterprise Plans, you can add this person as a Guest or Committee member. To understand the access and permissions of each option you can read this article.
For BoardSpot accounts on the Essentials Plan, you can either 1) add this person temporarily to the portal, and then remove them once the committee is adjourned. Note this person will be able to access everything in the committee while their profile is an active member; or 2) A second option is to not add this person to the portal at all, but download each committee meeting's packet, video call information, documents, etc and email these to the person outside the portal. This will ensure they only have access to that meeting information but nothing else in that committee.
6. A member of my portal did not receive the portal invitation and/or my portal member is having trouble logging in.
Navigate to People on the sidebar menu and scroll to find the person's listing. Click the ellipses next to their name and select Resend Invite. This option is only available if they have have never accepted their portal invitation.
If the member has logged into the portal in the past but now cannot, then visit the website and select the Log in link at top of the page. Use the Forgot your password? form to enter that member's email address. The system will send a password reset to their inbox. Once their new password is saved, they can immediately log in.
You can share this article with your member. It includes troubleshooting suggestions for them to follow.
7. A member of my portal is traveling and needs the meeting times to be displayed accurately for their time zone.
The member can navigate to My Account under their profile, and update their time zone to their current location. There is no limit on the changes to time zone that can be made.
8. We need to add a Board Member who is non-voting.
Consider making this person an Ex Officio member. In the board/committee where you do not want them to vote, add the title "Ex Officio" to them on the group's Member tab. Voting can then be disabled at an organization-wide level, by the Organization Admins, via the toggle switch under the Organization Settings. Note: this toggle will disable the ability to vote for anyone who has the title "Ex Officio" assigned.
9. A member of my portal is being asked to reset their password each time they log in.
Please inform your members to go to your portal URL and not back to the original email invitation they received. If they try to log in from that initial email invitation they will always be asked to reset their password each time. They should bookmark/memorize the direct URL for your portal and go there for the login page.
1. A committee's chair person cannot add meetings, create agendas, etc.
Assigning the title "Chair" to a committee member does not confer admin privileges. Assigning a person as a Committee Admin is how to confer the ability to add/edit the members, meetings, documents, agendas and minutes for that committee (and that committee, only). Committee Admin permissions are available in the BoardSpot Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Plans. For Essential Plan portals, only org-wide admins will have those privileges.
2. We need a new Title for a board/committee member that is not on the dropdown list.
To add a custom Title put your cursor in the field and type out the title as you want it displayed, then select the Create link right under that field. This will add the title to that person as well as make it an option in your org's dropdown list from now on.
3. On the Board/Committee's page under Members, the people Roles/Titles are duplicated.
Roles are assigned to each profile on the People page by choosing whether they are a Board Member, Staff, etc. Titles are assigned within each Committee on the Member tab by using the dropdown field next to their name.
Roles and/or Titles are then displayed on the board/committee page member tab by toggling on/off the "Member Profile Display" options under Organization Settings. Note: this setting is portal-wide and not by board or committee. To change displays, toggle on/off the "Member Profile Display" settings to reach the desired level of information shown.
4. We need to limit access to certain Documents.
Placing documents in a private committee, or in a meeting of a private committee, will ensure that only the members of that committee will have access. Private committees are available in the BoardSpot Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Plans.
5. How do I email committee members outside of a specific meeting?
On the committee's page the Email Members link can be used to draft/send an email to all members of that committee.
1. A meeting has no participants, but the members are in the committee.
Likely the system thinks this is a past meeting and thus did not add participants. To fix this, change the meeting date to a day in the future and Save. Then change the date back and Save again.
2. A meeting's minutes are not available.
The Minutes for a meeting become available the calendar day of the meeting. Before that date, Minutes are not available.
3. A meeting packet shows the wrong time zone for a Board Member.
A meeting packet shows the time zone of the creator of that agenda- the Org Admin or Committee Admin. The meeting participant's time zone, if different from the Admin, will not be included in the meeting packet.
4. Some meetings are not showing up on my Dashboard or the Meetings page.
The viewer must be a participant of the BoD/Committee- either a member, staff, or guest- for the meeting to show up for them in the portal.
5. The committee members cannot add an agenda or document to a meeting.
Only Org Admins and Committee Admins can create or edit agendas, can add or update supplemental documents, or can take minutes or attendance. Assign the person as a committee admin.
Still have Questions? Chat with us
Updated on: 10/02/2025
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