For Portal Members
The Committees List Page
The Committees home page is a clear and simple way to view the committees in your organization. The committees that show up on this page is determined by the viewer's membership privileges. This article illustrates the layout of the Committees home page. Each committee is in it'sPopularA Specific Committee's Page
A specific committee's page is an easy way to view the high level details for that committee. A specific committee's home page is the place to find members, past and future meetings of that committee, and the committee's documents. Members should familiarize themselves with the home page of each committee they are a member of. This article illustrates the contents of a committee's home page.Few readers
For Portal Administrators
For New Committee Admins
This is a list of BoardSpot articles that will be helpful for new Committee Admins to read, as they get up to speed on managing a committee. A Specific Committee's Page Committee Documents Create and Publicize Meetings A Specific Meeting's Page (https://help.boaFew readersDisplaying Roles & Titles
Displaying your member's roles and titles is an important tool for identification, and assists both new and tenured board members. Keeping the roles and titles up to date is easy and simple within BoardSpot. This article explains these settings. BoardSpot ROLE (as assigned on the People page) and TITLE (as assigned within each CommitteFew readersCreating Committees
Committees are an integral part of a nonprofit board, and BoardSpot makes managing committees smooth and painless. There is no limit on the number of committees that can be managed through BoardSpot. This article explains adding new committees, and their participants, to your board portal.Some readersManaging Committee Participants
The function of committee participants is determined by their assigned role within that committee, and is not dictated by the role they play within the greater organization. BoardSpot makes committee roles clear and straightforward. If a committee participant has questions about their role and accessibility, they should speak with the Organization's administrators. This article explains how to add and manage committee participants.Few readersEditing and Removing Committees
Some committees will last the lifetime of an organization. Others will play a role for only a season. BoardSpot makes it straightforward to update or remove a committee. A removed committee can be restored if needed. This article shows how to update or remove a committee. Updating a committee's settings: Log in as an admin user for the organization. Navigate to the committee's page and click Actions and choose Edit Settings. Update the committee as needed, including *settinFew readers