Articles on: Meetings

Creating and Holding Meeting Votes

Managing votes in BoardSpot is interactive and effective. Meeting participants can cast electronic votes, and then see vote outcomes documented clearly within BoardSpot. This article shares details on both creating a vote in BoardSpot, as well as running the voting process during a meeting.

Organization Admins and Committee Admins can create, hold, and set outcomes for meeting votes. Contact your organization's administrator's for assistance with this task.

Who can vote? When committee participants are added they are assigned as "Members", "Staff", or "Guests". Then when a vote is created the Members will always be included/be allowed to vote, and the admin can also decide whether to include Staff and/or Guests. Thus, in each vote Members by default are always included but Staff and Guests can be optionally included.

Creating a meeting vote:

As admin user, navigate to Meetings on the sidebar menu. Alternately, you can navigate to a specific meeting's page and select the Votes tab.
Click + Create Vote.
Draft the Question, the description text, and any needed attachments.
Choose meeting participants who will vote. Optionally, choose a person to certify the vote.
Click Save.
Note: you can add as many Votes as you like to a meeting.

Creating a vote:

The optional vote outcome certifier will receive an email after the vote is closed, in which they can click the link and land on the BoardSpot meeting page associated with that vote. From there they can click the button to certify the vote outcome. This certification is recorded

Holding a vote during a meeting:

As admin user, navigate to the meeting's page.
Scroll down and select the Votes tab.
Click Open Voting.
Allow attendees to select their answer, then click Close Voting.
Click Set Outcome button. Select the correct Outcome radio button, and the desired Display radio button. Optionally, add text about the vote and outcome.
Click Submit Outcome.
Resume the meeting.
Note: a Vote can be closed and the outcome set after the meeting is over.

Recording manual votes, and setting the vote outcome:

Questions? Chat with us

Updated on: 24/01/2025

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