Articles on: Meetings

Send Meeting Invitations

Sending meeting invitations through the portal ensures all participants have the most up-to-date meeting information delivered to their email inbox and onto their calendar. This article will explain this feature.

Organization and Committee Admins can send meeting invitations. For help with this feature, please contact your organization's admin.

Meeting Invitations:

The "Invite Participants" feature should be used for all meetings. This gets the appointment onto the calendars of your participants, as well as an email into their Inboxes.
Both the email and calendar appointment include direct links to that meeting's page in the portal, where members will find meeting location (video call information) and materials.
Participants can RSVP for each meeting from inside the portal, or from the invitation email in their inbox, or from the calendar appointment directly.
When the "Invite Participants" feature is used, then any changes to the meeting's details will AUTOMATICALLY be pushed to the participant's calendars. For instance if the time is updated. Thus the admin will not need to email all participants to ask them to each make the manual changes needed.
When the "Invite Participants" feature is used, any meetings that are cancelled will be AUTOMATICALLY removed from participant's calendars. The admin can also send an email to verify for participants that the cancellation/removal was intentional.
Ideally a meeting invitation should be sent out several months ahead of the meeting date, to avoid scheduling conflicts.

To send Meeting invitations:

As part of the publication of a meeting (making it visible to portal members) use the invitation feature by clicking the "Send Email" button. Note: if you do not send this email, then you will need to notify participants of the meeting manually.
To confirm the email/calendar appointments were sent, check the "Email Report", under "Reports" on the sidebar menu.

Confirmation of invitation sent is shown on a specific Meeting's page:

Updated on: 31/01/2025

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